Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Don't feel at home.

The problem with all the guys that I date is that they just don't leave. They all have been very good guys. And shoot me for being so lame but seriously, my problem is that they are indeed very good. And a more important problem that I have is that I want to leave. All the time.
Like everyone, I love the beginnings. The heady feeling of curiosity, getting to know, warmth in the head, all the sexual tension, the first ripping-the-clothes-apart - all these never fail to amaze me. I adore every bit of the start. And once I know it all, I have felt it all, I have known and felt. And I don't seek more.As days go by, companionship is a burden, a sense of duty almost completely replaces any shred of love. But I am lazy, of course. And I don't want to come across as a cold-hearted bitch to myself. So, I just stick around. And wait!
Until a new beginning comes by.
The guys. I don't know if they are all insecure and spineless or very emotional. They have been believing in true love type of thing. So, they don't pick up subtle clues. They sometimes don't mind transgressions, always believing that the love is still alive.
In the heart of my hearts I know I won't get along well with such guys since we don't believe the same things. But  I date them. Perhaps because of a fear (and hope?) that if I were to magically change into a true-love-believer, I shouldn't have any trouble?
Heh.Whatever I may say, a cold-hearted bitch is what I am.

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